Run for Office
Are you interested in running for elected office? Great! We are excited to have DFL candidates running to represent the constituents of Senate District 66. As your campaign gets going, we encourage you to bookmark this page and check back often for updates.
Please also reach out and let us know the email address and phone number of your campaign manager or designated contact person. That way, you can be notified of any updates and we can get in touch with you if needed.
2022 Endorsement Information
The following is pertinent information for all candidates seeking the endorsement of the SD66 DFL party unit.
2022 Precinct Delegate Allocations
Download the spreadsheet listing the precinct delegate allocations here. (Spreadsheet updated 1/6/22.) These delegates will be voting to determine the SD66 DFL endorsements at our organizing convention (date and time TBD).
2022 Endorsing Convention
The time, date, and location of the SD66 DFL party unit endorsing convention has not yet been announced.
Endorsement Screening Information
The SD66 Endorsements Pre-Convention Committee will be scheduling screenings sometime in February or March. These screenings will involve answering questions devised by the committee, which will be prepared as a report for delegates in advance of the convention. There has been no determination yet made regarding whether these screenings will be held in-person or virtually.
Limitations on SD66 DFL Support and other Policies
2022 is shaping up to be an active year in politics, and we now have challengers in races for Minnesota House seats 66A as well as CD4. One of the biggest contentions within our party in 2016 surrounded the perceived favoritism of the party elite toward one presidential candidate over the other. Lower-level units must also avoid any perceived favoritism, and it is imperative that the party itself appear fair during the endorsing and nomination process. To that end, the DFL constitution and bylaws already provide guidance and restrictions on what certain party officials are able to do during the nominating process:
GENERAL RULES AND POLICYSection 7. Party Officer Rules.
Subsection C. Limitations on Activities. The State DFL chair and vice chair and paid employees of the State DFL Party shall refrain from endorsing or promoting the endorsement of candidates prior to their official endorsement by the appropriate party organization. The chair and vice chair of each other party unit shall refrain from endorsing or promoting the endorsement of candidates in their party unit or any lower-level unit prior to the official endorsement by the appropriate party organization. Nothing in this provision shall be interpreted to prohibit recruitment of candidates.
Per the above rules, the SD66 DFL chair and vice chair will remain neutral throughout the campaign until SD66 DFL has endorsed a candidate. The rest of the SD66 central and executive committee members are not bound by the above limitations on activities, except that once a candidate is endorsed, no central or executive committee member can support non-endorsed candidates:
Malfeasance—Opposing DFL Endorsed Candidates. Personal endorsement, financial assistance or other support or assistance by a party officer or official to a candidate running in opposition to an endorsed DFL candidate shall constitute malfeasance and shall be cause for removal from office.
Because we also want to be able to recruit candidates and not make them feel like the SD66 DFL or the party is opaque or gatekeeping, our senate district will abide by the following guidelines during the nomination process:
- We will be welcoming to all interested candidates. The chair and/or vice chair are happy to meet with prospective candidates seeking the SD66 DFL endorsement in the interest of answering questions and providing an overview of the caucusing/endorsing process, as well as to elaborate on any of these guidelines.
- We will make opportunities to speak available. Campaign speeches have their own designated time slot during our central committee meetings. The expectations for speakers at SD66 DFL meetings is documented here.
- Restrictions on in-person or financial support. The chair and vice chair will not accept invitations to candidates’ campaign events or fundraisers, nor will they contribute money. Central and executive committee members are free to do either.
- Availability of central and executive committee information. All campaigns may request contact information for the SD66 DFL central committee and executive committee. Because we don’t want this information available to bots or bad actors, please contact us to request this information. We will strive to get to your request within a week, but please remember that we are a volunteer-run organization.
- Availability of delegate contact information. Once the caucuses are over and the data has been compiled, the SD66 DFL will make Excel spreadsheets with convention delegate contact information available to all candidates at the same time. Please make sure that you provide us with your contact information ahead of time, otherwise we will grant your request for this information as soon as the chair or vice chair has the time. Note that we cannot make any guarantees as to when this information will be available, but we anticipate it being available within two weeks of the caucuses.
- Restrictions on VAN/ActionNetwork access. The SD66 DFL will not phone bank or send out mailers/email blasts on behalf of candidates, nor will the SD66 DFL pull voter information from digital voter databases for any candidates. (Note that after the endorsement occurs, email blasts on behalf of a candidate constitute an in-kind donation, which must be reported and counts against a candidate’s total funds they can receive from the DFL party.) We encourage all candidates to pay for their own ActionNetwork/VAN account. You can reach out to the State DFL at to set up and pay for digital voter database access. SD66 DFL is not able to assist in the process of setting up access to these databases or teaching campaigns how to use them.
- Candidate reception rooms. Limits will be placed on the rooms available to candidates at the endorsing convention. Candidates must all pay a flat fee (TBD) to make use of the room. They will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, with registration opening sometime after the precinct caucuses. More details to be available soon.