About Us

The Senate District 66 Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (SD66 DFL for short) is the local DFL party unit for our organizing area, which is the 66th Minnesota Senate District.

We are governed by the rules and bylaws of our constitution, as well as those of the Minnesota 4th District DFL and Ramsey County DFL party unit constitutions.

We conduct regular business at our monthly meetings. Our calendar lists the dates and times of meetings and other events, while our monthly meetings resources page includes links to minutes and agendas.


We are led by the SD66 DFL executive committee and are governed by the central committee.

Executive Committee

The executive committee is composed of our chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, outreach officer, and twelve directors elected from the district at large every two years at our organizing convention. You can see a list of the duties of each officer and the current executive committee members here.

Central Committee

The central committee is composed of twenty-four precinct chairs elected during the precinct caucuses every two years. Two associate chairs are elected for each district, who serve as alternates to the central committee when the precinct chairs cannot attend.