August 2 Central Committee Meeting
All SD66 DFL Central Committee meetings are open to the public, and our August meeting will still be held online via Zoom. Attending is the best way to find out what’s going on politically in the district, as well as how to get involved! Check our calendar for the most up-to-date meeting dates and times.
This is where the central and executive committee members attend to new and old local party unit business, including organizing events such as the caucuses and conventions. We are often visited by our local representatives, who give us updates on their legislative efforts and campaigns, as well as answer constituent questions.
Zoom Join Info
Topic: SD66 DFL Central Committee Meeting
Time: Aug 2, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 7825 7980
Passcode: 645918
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Meeting ID: 826 7825 7980
Passcode: 645918
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