March Subcommittee Meetings
The next series of SD66 DFL subcommittee meetings will be held on Monday, March 1st beginning at 6:30pm via Zoom. You can review the notes from the January 4th meetings on Google Drive. Membership is open to all SD66 DFL Central Committee members, or members of the general public with the approval of the chair.
SD66 Outreach Committee Meeting (6:30pm – 7:15pm)
The Outreach Subcommittee explores how we can better reach folks in our district who aren’t involved or who face barriers to involvement. Notes from 1/4/21: Click Here
SD66 Caucus Committee Meeting (7:15pm – 8:00pm)
The Caucus Subcommittee explores how we can improve the caucus process for 2022. Notes from 1/4/21: Click Here
SD66 Forum Committee Meeting (8:00pm – 8:45pm)
The Forum Subcommittee explores the different kinds of programming we can put on as a senate district, and how we can partner/piggyback off of other events that are of interest to our community. Notes from 1/4/21: Click Here
The Zoom join information is below. All three subcommittee meetings use the same meeting invitation.
Topic: SD66 DFL March Subcommittee Meetings
Time: Mar 1, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 2476 5823
Passcode: 674607
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Meeting ID: 851 2476 5823
Passcode: 674607
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