Remote Convention Update
The SD66 DFL has been forced to move from in-person conventions to a remote balloting system in the wake of social distancing measures needed to combat COVID-19. A full set of rules for how these remote conventions work is available for you to review here:
Using the remote ballot, delegates as well as alternates will be able to vote between Saturday, April 25th and Monday, May 4th on electing delegates to the state/CD conventions, conferring endorsements, and passing resolutions. Delegates may review the screening questionnaires prepared by the Endorsements subcommittee here.
Our incredible volunteers have been working tirelessly over the last few days to reach out to delegates and collect their contact information as well as their preferred method of remote balloting (email, mail, or phone). However, due to inaccuracies in the VAN as well as transcription errors from the caucuses themselves, we apologize if delegates have not yet been contacted. Please email Katrina Lee at your earliest convenience if you are a delegate and have not yet filled out the Google form.