March 4 Meeting Changes
At our February 4th central committee meeting, we voted to postpone our next central committee business meeting until Monday, April 1st (but we’re not fooling). However, two newly created subcommittees will still be gathering at New Life Presbyterian Church at 6:30pm on March 4th to discuss our 2019-2020 budget as well as ways to make our caucuses and conventions simpler and more accessible. If you would like to be a part of one or both subcommittees, please join us at:
- 6:30pm to discuss the 2019-2020 Budget
- 7:30pm to discuss Caucus & Convention Simplification and Accessibility
If you cannot join us on March 4th but would like to assist these subcommittees, please send us a message using our contact form. They may also be meeting outside of these times. You do not need to be a central committee member in order to volunteer on these subcommittees.
Image Credit: Canva.com